Blank Palate

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Retro Amusement Park, Basque-Style

Many people overlook this magical spot, an enchanting step into the past, right on top of the city of San Sebastián. It's a step into the past, a place that time hasn't touched.

Bumper cars, a non-frightening House of Terror, games of strength, a steep slide, lazy river ride....all reachable by an equally ancient funicular. Upon arriving at the top of Mount Igeldo, the views one is greeted with are worth the price alone.

Montaña suiza? It's a roller coaster. In most all languages besides English, a roller coaster is called a "Russian Mountain". Well, sensible dictator Franco wasn't having any of that back in the mid 20th century, so this roller coaster received the name "Swiss Mountain" instead. ¡Down with communism! Ps, could be one of the scariest roller coasters for sheer fearing-for-one's-life.