Blank Palate

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Behind-The-Scenes at Savannah Bee

I'm in the United States!

This too-short trip has me running around all over the South, and earlier this week I had the amazing opportunity to visit the coolest honey harvesters ever, the folks at Savannah Bee Company.  We stopped in at their world headquarters on Wilmington Island, outside of Savannah, and Ted Dennard took us around the site. We saw barrels and barrels of nature's liquid gold, some from single sources (my favorite is the tupelo), others from various plants. We dipped our fingers in the vats of honey (it's a natural antibacterial). Then Ted took us out back.

Yes, that's my hand, full of bees. First he advised us to stay calm, walk slowly and think happy thoughts. Then we walked into the honeybees.  He pulled a honeycomb out of the hive, grabbed our fingers, and stuck them into this sunshine-y warm honey, and we tasted it straight from the comb to our mouths. Incredible. 

Then, carefully, he gathered a huge bunch of bees in his hands and passed them onto each of us. My hand was full of bees! They tickled, and most of them flew off in a matter of minutes, but I had several stay, walking around my hand and arms, doing their special wiggle dance.   It was so amazing. This is someone who is just as passionate as I am, as we are, about what he does. This man is a bee lover.

That's all of us. If you haven't checked out Ted's honey, you better do so, soon.